Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wig Tutorial: Basic Chop Cut

Let's be more careful arranging and cutting our wigs!

These days every cosplayer needs to wear a wig. But what if you suck at cutting and styling them?! "I can't arrange it the way I want!" "Cutting wigs is too hard..." It's easy to fumble when most of the big magazines show you elaborate style but no basic techniques to achieve them, but fear not newbies to hair and makeup, Saber Hands Matsumoto is here to teach you some simple and basic techniques.

Style 1: "The Chop Cut"
"Use a medium-length wig for this spikey bob style"

1) Cut your wig 10-20cms below the jawline.

2) Trace an imaginary line back from the top of your ear and use a pair of regular hair-styling scissors to thin the hair there. (Hold your scissors vertically and cut at a slight angle, taking only small bits off at a time).

3) Above the ear (trace an imaginary line from your eye-level back) block the hair into small portions and thin the ends with small, staggered snips.
*working from the bottom up makes it easier to gauge your progress and move your scissors without "collateral damage"

4) With the rest of the wig, bring the hair slightly back to thin with the same technique.
*this will isolate the hair, making cutting more simple and will give you a longer look on the sides.

5) To make sure the right and left sides are the same length, bring the top portion of hair from both sides together (in blocks) over the top and adjust length/thin accordingly.

6) Taking random bits of hair loosely out to the side, cut slowly from upward down in a slide cut.
*Don't begin these cuts too close to your wig's base or you'll end up with see-through patchy spots

7) Roll spikes gently at the ends with your fingers and finish the ends with hard spray

8) All done!

Point: Cut slowly and move bit by bit, always aware of how much you're cutting and in what direction.

Credits goes to: kiratsukai

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