Thursday, March 13, 2014

Nicole - Kurt Madry Walkthrough

Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Body: Pale, Young Adult
Personality: Arrogant, Spoiled
Role: University Student

He is a very popular player of the college football team. He's quite arrogant and spoiled, and very successful with women. Unfortunately for him, his grades at school aren't as good as his skills on the other fields.

Related Stat: Zeal
Part-time Job: Cafeteria Server

Activities to max out your Zeal
Cheerleader (Football Field - Sunday, Saturday & morning and afternoon)
Play Volleyball (Gym - Monday til Friday & morning til sunset)
Bubble Bath (Bathroom - any day & afternoon til dusk)

Presents (from most liked to least)
MP3 Arm Brace - "A brace to strap your mp3 player to your arm. For those with slippery hands and no pockets."
Football Pillow - "A soft fuzzy pillow shaped like a football. Use it to keep your head in the game at all times!"
Ear buds - "A compact listening device. When you want to listen to music, but don't want other people to know you're listening to music!"
Under armor - "A piece of sportswear. Now you have a way to comfily show off all that hard work you're doing at the gym."
School Pennant - "A cool little flag screaming with school spirit. You'll always know the mascot now."

Dialogue options
  1. You think that's all it's gonna take to impress me?
  2. I dunno
  3. Keep confident you can help
  4. Running back
  5. Mint ice cream looks so good right now
  6. Show him with Darren. [at this point I suggest that you start giving items to boost up the relationship (I managed to get this point on Oct 18, have 900+ Zeal on Nov 1 and maxed out my clues on Nov 3)]
  7. Accept
  8. Don't let him
  9. Go along with it
  10. Cookies
  11. Yell at him 
Kurt's detailed Walkthrough
To raise your Zeal, on weekdays I usually do the Cafeteria Server Job and then play volleyball (if you haven't unlocked it, then go play volleyball twice). Once I get decent points on Zeal, I investigated around to raise my Clues. As for the weekend, I always do the cheerleader thingy (like twice) and then spend the day investigating.

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