Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nicole - Ted Stahr Walkthrough

Hair: Brown, Curly, Short
Eyes: Brown
Body: Pale, Young Adult
Clothes: Belt, Necklace, Trousers, Vest
Personality: Hard-worker, Perfectionist
Role: University Student

A sweet Alabama boy, tsundere, loud, straight, workaholic, coffee-addict, perfectionist to the point of being an annoying brat. He is certainly have good points such as: sweet southern accent and attitude. He is dependable, knows how to dance and he is growing to be a fine man under your guidance. Did I mention that he has a Dad, who is hot as party in hell?

Prime Stat: Diligence

Part-time Job: Clerk

Activities to max out your Diligence
Do some jogging (Public Park - any day & morning til afternoon)
Tidy up room (Go Home - any day & any time)
Train at gym (Gym - Monday, Wednesday, Friday - sunset & afternoon)

Special Ending (includes normal)
Diligence > 900 by the end of November
Affection = 100% by the end of November
Clues = 999 by the end of November, but before Diligence > 900

Presents (from most liked to least)
Coffee thermos - "A gift for any lover of coffee. Don't say "addict"; the preferred term is "aficionado"."
Belt - "A stylish way to keep your pants up when your waistband fails you."
Key ring - "A charm with a sturdy ring used for holding keys. For those with many responsibilities."
Piggy bank - "A charming bank useful for holding spare change. The plug's at the bottom; put the hammer down."
Day planner - "A book for when you want to approach life in a step-by-step basis. Nothing says order like daily columns and lined pages.

Dialogue options and presents order
  1. The way you talk is cute (+5)
  2. He should have worked it out first (+5)
  3. Country (+5)
  4. I like the color of it (+5)
  5. Just ask Ted (+5)
  6. Agree with him (+5) - And you'll be granted by +5 Jeff's affection too
  7. Present time - Coffee thermos ($50) (+20) Now you are probably working at a convenience store and have enough money.
  8. Present time - Belt (forgot the price) (+16) Make him present a week later than first one.
  9. Ask about his father (+5)
  10. Why don't we fund raise? (+5)
  11. Coffee (+5)
  12. Present time - Piggy bank (forgot the price) (+8)
  13. I only want to dance with you (+5)
  14. I don't blame him (+5)
  15. Present time - Day planner (forgot the price) (+1)
  16. 100 affection - Special Ending
Ted's detailed Walkthrough
You'll have to make presents - so go to work. For Ted, you'll need several activities only - any raising "clues", "Job: Clerk" and any morale booster. For the start, I picked "Jogging" at Park and "Observing people" at the same place. "Take a nap" at home. After "Job: Clerk" will be unlocked go for it, like always. Raise "clues" by any other activity. Make sure you'd got Clues = 999 before Diligence>900 by the start of December. You'll find some items from online store a quite useful book "The Key to Success: Hard Work" and use "key ring" for yourself. It will help rise the Diligence stat.


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